Financial Education

Articles for Financial Education Specifics

The Money Game – A Shorter Version

By |2023-07-01T22:30:57-04:00September 25th, 2018|Extra Money Game Activities Category, Financial Education, Money Game FAQ, Money Game Specific|

Shortening The Money Game I often get calls from people who want to know if they can use The Money Game in a shorter time frame, like two hours or less. This is a great question, and depending on the group that you're teaching, sometimes the answer is "Yes", sometimes the answer is "Maybe" and [...]

Pay Yourself First – Repeat Over and Over Again Until Financially Free

By |2017-01-18T08:11:50-04:00July 30th, 2012|Children Financial Education, Financial Education, Money Game Specific|

When we play The Money Game with kids, teens and adults, we like to focus on the financial habits it takes to become financially free. We compare the habits of financial free, rich, wealthy people with poor people and yes, they are poor. You can call them low-income if you want because you think it [...]

Financial Literacy and Social Media

By |2017-01-18T08:11:50-04:00May 2nd, 2012|Children Financial Education, Financial Education, Money Game Specific, Train-the-Trainer|

We all know that financial literacy 'should' be a required subject in our schools, preparing our kids and teens to go out into the world and not only handle money wisely but be able to invest it so it works for them instead of them always working for it. We also know that people all [...]

The Ultimate Financial Education Activity

By |2017-01-18T08:11:51-04:00November 16th, 2011|Extra Money Game Activities Category, Financial Education|

Almost 10 year journey I embarked on a journey into the fascination field of financial education and along the way, there have been people and processes added to our programs that enhanced their effectiveness by leaps and bounds. One of these activities was suggested by my life partner, Steve Gordon, and it had to do with [...]

Money Game Recommended Reading List

By |2017-01-18T08:11:56-04:00April 13th, 2011|Adult Financial Education, Financial Education, Money Game Specific, Money Game Training Workshops, Powerful Teaching Techniques|

You know...there are certain books that, after you've read them, change your life so thoroughly you can't imagine what your life would have been like, or where it would have gone, had you NOT read them. This is how I feel about the following books which are required for all Creative Wealth Coaches and highly [...]

Accelerated Presentation Reminders

By |2016-04-05T10:56:31-04:00March 18th, 2011|Financial Education, Powerful Teaching Techniques|

Here's a quick list of things to remember when using accelerated learning techniques to teach The Money Game® to any group of kids, teens or adults. Of course, these apply to any topic and any group of learners! When doing your Presentations, think About: Audience Culture Religion Beliefs Age Marital status Group dynamic Gender Socio-economic [...]

How To Win The Money Game

By |2017-01-18T08:11:57-04:00February 13th, 2011|Adult Financial Education, Children Financial Education, Financial Education, Money Game FAQ, Money Game Specific, Teen Specific|

It seems that one of the most allusive states mankind seeks is this thing we have dubbed Financial Freedom. Up until maybe a decade ago, we weren't so concerned about winning the money game so quickly. We worked, saved our money, did our best to invest it wisely and then when that day came around, [...]

Making Friends at Networking Meetings

By |2017-01-18T08:11:58-04:00February 7th, 2011|Financial Education, Money Game Specific|

Most people, if they had a choice, would never go to a networking meeting. They'd just as soon stay home and watch reruns of Tom and Jerry than get dressed, drive to a restraurant, order a drink and walk up to complete strangers for a couple of hours, introducing themselves, asking what they do and [...]

Celebration…A Powerful Key To Learning and Remembering Information

By |2017-01-18T08:11:59-04:00December 26th, 2010|Extra Money Game Activities Category, Financial Education, Money Game Specific, Powerful Teaching Techniques|

When was the last time you celebrated learning something? For some, celebrating comes easy but for most human beings, celebrating is attached to accomplishing something monumental. But think about the last time you watched, or glanced at, a football game. Those guys only have to get the ball down the field a few feet in [...]

10 Ways to Make Financial Education Fun & Effective

By |2017-01-18T08:11:59-04:00December 22nd, 2010|Financial Education, Money Game Specific, Money Game Training Workshops, Powerful Teaching Techniques|

Money. No matter how you look at it, on some level, you need it. You need it for shelter. You need it for food. And you need it for a zillion other things that make life a little more convenient and enjoyable. Whether you love it or despise it, it's part of life and the [...]

Simplest Money Management System Ever

By |2016-04-09T12:33:51-04:00November 22nd, 2010|Financial Education, Money Game Specific|

OK, this video is priceless and to die for. Learning to manage your money and 'win the money game' has to start here. Be prepared to laugh and ask yourself if you're following this guy's advice. You might be surprised with your answer.

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