It’s one thing to develop a passion for teaching kids, teens and adults about money.

It’s another thing to search out and find the best financial education game on the planet.

It’s yet another to learn this game and put together events and programs to use your passion.

But…it’s quite another thing altogether to get kids, teens and parents INTO those programs…unless you learn to MARKET your programs successfully.

Financial Education Marketing 101

The hardest part about marketing is the planning and that’s the part most people don’t spend enough time on, or don’t do at all.

Often, the owner of a business just slaps some words in a wrongly formatted press release, or sends a fax to a couple of newspapers and then waits…and waits…and waits until he or she realizes that nothing is going to come of his little bit of effort.

I’ve heard it said that you have to touch a journalist (newspaper, online, radio, etc.) at least six times before they begin to know who you are and want to deal with you.

But there’s a lot more to the story than that. Wanna know the secret to getting their attention? Great…read on.

Here’s the most important thing you must remember:

THEY are LOOKING for YOU! But IF, and ONLY if, you can provide them with valuable information (notice I did not say sales copy) they can turn around a provide their readers or listeners.

They don’t want to read the same promotional press releases they get every day promoting this new product or that new event (unless they’re the event editor, of course).